Phillippa Morland

Frontend Software Engineer, focused on accessibilty and usability.


2018 - 2024

Software Engineer

I was part of a small scrum team at Liquid Democracy e.V., mainly working on frontend development. My role involved building open source online participation platforms using Django and React, with a later emphasis on accessibility.

Live projects:

2014 - 2020


Co-organised six Django Girls Berlin coding workshops; fundraising, event management and promotion, applicant assessment and communication and presenting during events.

2015 - 2016

Junior Web Developer

Continued at ResearchGate in a Junior Web Developer role creating small widgets using PHP, HTML and Vanilla JavaScript and working on custom Wordpress blogs and Marketo landing pages.

2014 - 2015

Data Manager and Community Support

Started at ResearchGate in Data Managment; reviewing and researching user applications and user submitted data. Later moved into Community Support; troubleshooting users issues and manual QA testing.

2014 - 2014


Worked as intern at Product Science by assisting in user research interviews and doing simple static site builds and implementing Google Analytics.
